Friday, June 5, 2015

3-2-1 Ted Talk

  He first discusses the movie the Blues Brothers and how we get used to everyday things. Ted wants to improve every day things. An example is how you buy fruit at the store and peal off the label it now has on it when you want to eat it so that at the check out its easier to buy fruit. Another example is driving. Driving is so hard to do, but as time goes by it gets easier. "Our brains habituate things." Ted mentions Steinfeld and how he had visited a friend and just wanted to take a comfortable shower. The water is either too hot or too cold and all he wanted was it  to be just comfortable. An example of when I didn't understand something was when I was younger how I wanted to paint with certain colors. But, little did I know for the colors to work that they have to be used with water. Another example of something I didn't understand is when my mom got a cutting board that had a blade built in it to make cutting things easier and thinner. I didn't know how it was safe because I always felt that I could cut my finger. instead of just directions and tutorials, whoever is selling the product should have  a place people can go in person and actually use the product to see if it's what they really wanted.   

Thursday, June 4, 2015


  Enron Corporation was a American energy, commodities, and services from Houston, Texas. It had claimed bankruptcy December 2nd, 2001 because of the Enron Scandal. The Enron Scandal included accounting loopholes, special purpose entities, and poor financial reporting. It had hid billions of dollars in debt from failed deals and projects. In November of 2004, it ended bankruptcy by the court approving the plan of reorganization. this is known as one of the most complex bankruptcy's in U.S. history.